
Sex and a stir-fry

You’ve used it to cook, moisturize you body, even wash your face.  But have you tried it during sex?  Yes, coconut oil works for that too.  I know, it’s hard to believe but next time you’re with your girlfriends, just say “coconut oil and sex” and watch all the hands that pop up.  I had to find more about this, so of course I went to livestrong.com – the ultimate source of everything ever.  And there it was; the health benefits, skin benefits and do’s and don’ts of using the cold-pressed organic substance as a sexual lubricant.  Livestrong even goes on to source a book, saying the use of coconut oil can help women AVOID  yeast and bacterial infections as well as fungus in the vagina.  Amazing right?!?  Right, so do remember this: if you’re using the yummy creamy stuff for a lube, make sure you’re using latex free condoms such as lamb skin condoms.  Also it may seem obvious but please don’t use the cheap stuff at the grocery store – specifically the “LouAna” brand.  Please ladies I beg you, do not stick this horrible cheap hydrogenated stuff up your love canal.  Treat it with the good quality stuff, your vagina deserves it.  


TL said...

don't say yummy creamy stuff....hehe

Unknown said...

Have you ever eaten a spoon of coconut oil? It's super yummy and creamy. You will do this in one month.