
Black Friday? No thank you, I'll go for a surf.

I'm not crazy about shopping, so when my bestie Kai Brown offered up an adventure to shoot some surfing pictures of him and Ore, I jumped on it no questions asked.  I love a chance to take beautiful pictures - especially when it has to do with surfing, motorcycles, skateboards or vintage cars. It took us about three hours to settle on a location and we ultimately found ourselves in Oxnard.  Black Friday was surprisingly...grey.  A massive fog front rolled in and the boys founds themselves waiting for waves a midst a thick curtain while a fog-horn steered boats away from the shore. I stood on the shore and shot. Enjoy!
*These pictures are not overexposed, it was almost completely white outside.

A surfer assessing the situation from the shore.

Some pros getting a shoot in.

Ore and Kai discussing the breaks.

Ore cleaning off the old wax before applying cold water wax. 

I guess this lady is checking out the waves too!  

Max Dean, chillin before he gets in.


Surfers peppered on the water.

Bursts of sunlight created "diamonds" on the water.

The boys grouped together, waiting for a wave.

Ore catching a little one. 

Find Ore and Kai is always to his right. 

Ore solo.

The Drop

The shot I waited for all day


Sex and a stir-fry

You’ve used it to cook, moisturize you body, even wash your face.  But have you tried it during sex?  Yes, coconut oil works for that too.  I know, it’s hard to believe but next time you’re with your girlfriends, just say “coconut oil and sex” and watch all the hands that pop up.  I had to find more about this, so of course I went to livestrong.com – the ultimate source of everything ever.  And there it was; the health benefits, skin benefits and do’s and don’ts of using the cold-pressed organic substance as a sexual lubricant.  Livestrong even goes on to source a book, saying the use of coconut oil can help women AVOID  yeast and bacterial infections as well as fungus in the vagina.  Amazing right?!?  Right, so do remember this: if you’re using the yummy creamy stuff for a lube, make sure you’re using latex free condoms such as lamb skin condoms.  Also it may seem obvious but please don’t use the cheap stuff at the grocery store – specifically the “LouAna” brand.  Please ladies I beg you, do not stick this horrible cheap hydrogenated stuff up your love canal.  Treat it with the good quality stuff, your vagina deserves it.  


Because We Love Each Other

When I decided to walk away from X, I did it because I loved him more than I’ve ever loved anyone in my life.  I put together the last bits of strength, will and dignity I had and I made the decision that he wasn’t strong enough to make; I had to walk away because he was tearing us apart and I knew if we were ever to work out we had to stop.  The last night that we were together, he told me he would “always feel this way” when I said I was afraid our connection could go away.  We were lying on his bed, just looking at each others’ faces, memorizing every line and freckle and he told me I was so beautiful.  That night when I asked him when the last time was that he slept with someone else and he said “last week”, I fell apart. I told him we were perfect for each other and I knew that I would be the best person in the world for him and I asked him why we still couldn’t be together after more than eight months of this.  We were made for each other.  He said we were running the same race but at a different pace.  He said he knew he was better than anyone else I was with too.  We both knew being with each other was better than being with anyone else but that wasn’t enough for him.  I asked him why he didn’t stay away after the first time, why didn’t he just leave me alone, why won’t he just let me go and he just kept saying that he couldn’t, he couldn’t, he couldn’t.  I begged him to please let me go and he said he couldn’t.  I asked him why we can’t let each other go and he said “because we love each other.”  That’s the closest X ever got to saying “I love you” but I knew he was saying exactly that.  And I believed every single word.  That was at 4 a.m. on Tuesday, February 28.  Five days later we were finished and he had someone else in his bed. 
Those first four days before March 4, I sent him love and positive energy.  I had stopped communicating with him but every night before I went to sleep I would tell him in my mind that I loved him and I hoped he was good and that this was just temporary and it’s for us.  I would tell him that I hope he knows I love him.  I would whisper “because we love each other” and then fall asleep.  Because we love each other was the only thing that gave me strength.  I knew if we loved each other we could get through this.  That Sunday when he figured out that I had pulled away, he never asked why, he never called, he never tried to stop me.  It all ended in a text message of all things.  And even after I knew that he had someone staying there that very night, I still believed that he loved me.  I believed that he was so hurt and irrational that he couldn’t handle the pain of being alone.  That’s how much faith I had in us, even until the very end.  For me it was never about me leaving him and it was never about me hurting him but he made it about that. 
Now I ebb and flow between darkness and strength, depression and feeling free of his shit and lies.  But I constantly find myself self muttering “why” and “how”.  I find myself going over the things he said, his sincere apologies over leaving me in November to be with that girl and how he knew he’d made a mistake days after he left me.  How he was so afraid he would never talk to me again and he knew he was wrong about her; he had made something up in his head and he was wrong.  I think about how we spoke again after 6 weeks of not hearing his voice and how it sounded like home.  Even with all of the pain it was still like coming home after being gone for a long time.  I thought that night would be a starting over for us.  That was Christmas Eve.  We talked for hours, just like we did before.  And when he drove back to LA from Arizona we spoke for four hours, almost the entire trip.  But X forgot my birthday five days later and by the time it popped up on his calendar the best he could do was send a text that said “oh and happy birthday.”  So much for starting over.  He was already sleeping with someone else. 
What he didn’t tell me but I would later find out is that he had taken that November girl to an event down in Orange County and took her out with his friends that night for her birthday while he was still seeing me.  He took her to a concert with his manager three days after he left me at that restaurant on November 12.  He took her home to meet his family for Thanksgiving 11 days after he ended it with me.  He took her snowboarding that same month.  And they had planned to go back to his family’s house for Christmas, but apparently she changed her mind at the last second.  Imagine if they’d gone through with those plans…This person who told me he had stopped dreaming until I came around.  He told me that I had brought him out of the dark hole that he couldn’t get escape from; he told me that he had fallen for me and felt more for me than he had for anyone in a long time.  He told me he missed me, he loved the way I laughed, he told me I felt like home to him, he told me I was so beautiful it was hard to comprehend. I went to doctor appointments, the grocery store and hell and back with him.  That night on March 4, when I drove by his house and saw that not only was another girl there and that she had the exact same car as me- color and everything, but she was also the girl from November.  He had brought her back into his life.  I don’t know, maybe she never left.  He took her to Mexico City the following weekend for a show he was doing there.  He left me up here to remember the day back in January when we made love in the sun and talked about how much we’d love to go somewhere with each other; somewhere warm.  I can still imagine the sun shining on his face and the way it felt when we loved each other in that moment.  One month later I suppose he was doing just that with someone else. 
He has to know how bad it hurt me the last time; I couldn’t eat, my hair fell out, I couldn’t sleep, I had nightmares, the pain and stress were so intense I actually had physical changes to my body.  How could he do it again.  How could he do this to me again after I let him back in and he saw how much damage he had done to me and to us.  I remember X and I used to go for drives in the mountains or in the hills and just talk.  I used to be the one who could calm him down when he was upset, I could get him to eat when he had worked for 20 hours straight.  I saw him at his absolute worst when the reality of the divorce hit him and he broke down and cried.  Those moments had to be real.  I wiped the tears from his face.  And now here I am alone, wiping away my own tears while he is pretending his do not exist.   
X used to tell me that I had no patience.  That I was the one he liked the most and that it would probably end up being us in the end.  And if I would just back off and let go a little bit he would naturally gravitate to me.  He would say that he thought about us being together all the time.  He said sometimes he would look at me and think “what am I doing, not being with this girl?”  He would say things about our kids.  I believed every word of it.  We could spend hours together, just the two us, laughing, talking, touching, not speaking, and just looking at each other. I knew every hair, every spot on his entire body.  I knew how to touch him.  I thought I knew everything about him.  But I should have known he was full of shit.  I should have known when he didn’t want to meet my friends, or my cousin who flew all the way from Germany to LA, or when he wouldn’t speak to me before his show in LA and hardly spoke to me or sat by me after that show.  I should have known when he always kept his phone on silent, face down with a code on it – stealth mode.  I should have known when he blamed the girls in his past for the failure of all of his relationships.  I should have known when his ex-wife refused to have contact with him, even for her spousal support payments.  I should have known when he said he didn’t want to be with anyone but me and then all of a sudden that was not true.  I should have known when I thought to myself “should I get out of this?”  I should have known when I thought to myself “is he a mean person?”  Part of me still believes all those things he said.  Part of me believes he loved me, and did think about being with just me.  Part of me believes when we looked in each others’ eyes, we were feeling the same thing.  And the other part of me believes it was all a lie.  He never loved me, he only used me to help him get better, he never meant anything he said and he was just good at manipulating and making me believe.  I cannot believe that someone could do the things he did to me if they’re in love.  You don’t do these things to the person you love.  I had to find out through twitter that he was back with the trashy girl from November.  When I saw it, I fell to the floor and screamed.  I think something happened to my heart at that moment.  I think it truly broke.  I don’t feel the same.  I don’t feel like I’m the same person anymore, I feel like I’ve been changed…a part of me is missing. I could have loved him forever.  I saw fathers with their children and I thought of him and our family.  I don’t know how people recover from this kind of heartache but I know they do. I’ve seen movies and heard songs and stories about people recovering from this. 
I’m sure if you ask X what he thinks of me and why this failed he would say I pressured him.  He would say I didn’t give him enough time and that eventually I became “an inspector” every time I came over, looking for clues that another girl had been there.  I guess he’s right, I was impatient.  I saw how incredibly perfect and happy we could be with each other, I knew what could have been and, to my investigative credit…other girls had been there.  So yeah, I’ll give him that.  But I wish he would have given me the truth from the start.  Even back in September 2008 when we met and in the summer of 2009 when he told me he was getting a divorce and I walked away and the in-between when we kept in touch until we met up again June 18th, 2011.  We were still friends then, just getting together for drinks and to catch up.  Nothing more in my mind, X was a friend and someone I considered to be a pretty cool guy, but I didn’t want to date him.  Even when I saw him and went to hug him for the first time in two years I still didn’t want him.  And then we touched and everything changed.  Something happened.  I still tried to deny it; X wasn’t my type at all and I was happily single at that point, I didn’t want this.  But he was very convincing.  I suppose he still is.  He sought out and broke down every single barrier, wall and defense mechanism I’d implemented.  He chipped away at all of it until I was completely his.  And then he decided he didn’t want it. Twice.  Ten times. Fifty times.  He even rejects me in my nightmares.  I wake up and force myself to get out of bed, force myself to eat, force myself to do my job.  Before March 4th, he told me he thought about me every day.  I wonder if he thinks about me now, I wonder what he thinks or feels.  I wonder if he looks at one of those girls or that one girl and sees my face.  I wonder if he can feel the pain I’m feeling.  I wonder if he thinks about his ex-wife.  I wonder if he still wishes it could work out with her.  I wonder if that has been the problem all along.  I wonder if he’s doing the same thing to this other girl as he did to me.  I wonder if the same thing will happen to her.   But mostly I wonder how I’ll get over this and how long it will take.  I pray for it to not be long and I pray for the strength to get through it.  I pray my hair doesn’t fall out again and that I’ll want to eat. 
I would have call X a friend but he probably doesn’t know very many things about me.  He probably doesn’t know that my favorite color for the past seven years was green but now it’s magenta, that I’m left-handed, I lived in Germany for 6 weeks when I was an infant, I had my nose pierced, I shaved my head in the 7th grade and I gave myself a Vanilla Ice eyebrow (just one brow).  He doesn’t know what my degree is in, he doesn’t know that my brother and his girlfriend are expecting their third child, he doesn’t know that I like to take pictures and I love dancing and I’m afraid of skunks and banks.  He doesn’t know what I went through to get to where I am and how much I struggled and fought to get here.  He doesn’t know that I paid for seven years of my education by myself or that I taught myself to play the piano when I was younger.  He will never know how much he hurt me.  And I think I will never know why.
It’s been nearly 3 weeks and I still feel…loss.  I have no distinction between my feelings: love, hate, anger, comfort, loneliness and rage all blend into one.  I thank God the nightmares have stopped, I’ve started eating again and he’s not the last thing I think of before I drift off and the first thing I think of the second I open my eyes.  I’m doing better at my job, I’m starting my skincare line and I’m spending more time with friends, but the city feels lonely to me.  It feels like I’m sleeping with a stranger, I feel homesick.  My subconscious automatically turns right at Cahuenga and gets onto the 101 South and speeds down the freeway to his house, into his arms and I feel complete.  Even with everything he took from me it still felt right to be with him.  I suppose that’s the power a manipulator and a liar has on another person; they can make someone believe, even when nothing is truly there, even when they feel like a stranger in their own home. I still ask ‘why’ but it’s not as often or with as much pain.  I’m just now today starting to feel like myself.  But I still wonder who I was with all this time.  Who was he really?  If none of this was real, what was he thinking?  What is he thinking now?  How could he have hid the truth from me so many times?  How could he have fucked me over so many times until there was barely anything left.  I feel like I’m a ghost in that house and I feel like that part of the city fell off of the earth and into outer space.  It’s gone.  It doesn’t exist for me.  They say “don’t cry because it’s over, smile because it happened” but I’m pretty sure that person didn’t give up their soul to the worst human on Earth; a wolf in sheep’s clothing.  Satan.  I had all the faith in the world, I had enough love for both of us, but that is not enough when the person you’re loving isn’t being real to anyone.  I wish I knew how he really truly felt.  When he’s all alone, when he can’t avoid being by himself in those hotel rooms, how does he really feel.  I feel like he has never ever fixed himself and the loneliness and fear swallow him until he finds a distraction.  It’s sad to watch the person you love and thought you would spend the rest of your life with destroy their self.  Do I still love him?  Yes, because it was real for me.  Every glance, every touch, every laugh, every fight, every tear, every memory, every promise, every bonding moment was real for me.   Do I hate him?  Yes, for all the same reasons. 
But I still want to hold his face in my hands and I want to ask him why he kept himself from me and from the happiness we could have had.  I want to know why he broke us until we were nothing.  I want to tell him I didn’t walk away out of love lost, I walked away to save it.  I want to tell him how much he hurts me every single day.  I want to ask him if he remembers listening to Halocene our way home from Malibu.  I want to ask him if he remembers the first time I called his house “home”.  I want to ask him if he remembers how we were.  I want to ask him if he walked all over me because I let him.  I want to know if he ever meant anything that he said.  I want to ask him how he could really sleep with me and then sleep with someone else in the same week and then me again a few days later.  I want to ask him if he knows what that did to me and I want to know if he did it to the girl before me and is he doing it to the girl now, or was it just me.  I want to ask him if he hates me.  I want to ask him why and I want to ask him how.  Why.  How.  And I want honesty.  I want to ask him if he listens to the songs I sent him.  I want to know how long it will take before this doesn’t hurt anymore.  I shouldn’t have to face this alone every day and even in my sleep.  I see him in my dreams; sometimes he tells me he’s over it, sometimes he apologizes for what he’s done, sometimes he’s with her and she lives with him. 
It’s sick but I still love him.  I still want him by me and I still want to touch him and talk to him and just do nothing with him.  Even with us being completely broken I still love him.  The love never dies.  The pain is so real and so intense it gives me chills and I dig my fingers into the space between my ribs just so I can feel something else.  I pray for the pain and the attachment to be over – take it all away – the bond, the connection, the love.  He has ruined this thing beyond repair, there’s nothing left of what it used to be and I’m not who I used to be.  Twenty-two days later I thought I would have made some progress but I’m in the same spot I was, if not worse.  I feel like we should have cared and respected each other more than this, it just doesn’t feel right.  And if he came back around, I wouldn’t send him away, I would scream and cry and hurt and go through those trenches with him again.  I know that I’m still in that space and I wonder how long it will be before I don’t have that weakness.  I don’t feel like I’m going to hear from him for a long time, if ever again and that should bring me some sort of comfort but it leaves me feeling absolutely alone and haunted.  This just isn’t the way it should have gone, but is this how it’s been with every other girl?  Do they just have to eventually walk away?  I have so many unanswered questions for him and while I’m doing the work on myself and digging deep in myself, I feel like I’ll never get that piece of the puzzle, it will always be missing.  How do you recover from a broken heart and a robbed fate?  Time heals everything, even the pain of death but you never forget the taste of heartbreak.  The wound may heal but that part of you never looks the same again – it’s jagged, uneven and ugly.  So how do you heal while time is passing?  I read, I watch movies, I run, I spend time with my friends, I’ve dove into my skincare line and my waxing business but it’s always back there, waiting for me to give it attention, like a begging dog.  Even with this, writing for hours, I’m hoping that purging myself of these thoughts will help, but I wonder if it’s just feeding the fire.  
These days the only semblance of warmth I feel comes from my laptop, while he is busy staying warm with someone else in his bed.  I wonder if he thinks about me when he’s with her, I wonder if it feels different in his heart when he’s with her.  I wonder if she’s knows that everyone who works at The Coffee Table knows that she’s the 10th girl he’s brought there.  I remember feeling smug and thinking I was the last new girl he’d ever take there.  But I wasn’t, he hasn’t even taken a breath between girls, hell they’ve even overlapped.  I’ve probably crossed paths with one on the way to his house.  The thing is, I found two hours of songs that have something almost exactly like what we had and what I’m going through which makes me wonder HOW this could be a frequent enough thing that there is no shortage of music written on the situation.  That’s sad.  I would make the best melancholy DJ, just look at my spotify account if you don’t believe me. 
You may not believe me, but I actually want something healthy.  I want someone who wants me as much as I want him.  I want someone who wants to go on a trip with me – not just because he’s punch drunk or in a deep dark hole, but because he loves being with me and we have such a great time together.  I want someone who knows my friends and has their phone numbers and knows about them and knows my mother and where I grew up.  I want someone who wants to know what it was like where I grew up.  I want to be on the same team as someone, I want to feel grounded and happy with someone.  I want someone who knows me and knows what I’m thinking and we have our own language and code words and inside jokes. 
Ladies and gents, my soul mate has left the building.  I asked for signs and I got them, I asked for closure and it was immediately served.  Now I pray and beg for the pain of a broken heart to be gone.  Part of me feels like true love doesn’t exist – only time and a mutual decision build a bond that feels like love.  The other part of me believes there is someone out there who will treat me so well, they will make X look like the horrible monster in my closet.  X said things were too complicated – but all I wanted was a monogamous relationship.  He says we started, then stopped then started then stopped... If I recall correctly, we stopped the first time so he could fulfill some sort of ridiculous fantasy that wasn’t really there and the second time we stopped was because I decided I was too good to date someone who wanted to sleep with other people.  So yes X, that was really complicated.  Thank you for making it so incredibly difficult.  I do feel like I dodged a bullet with this one, but what I can’t understand is why it hurts so much.  Why is it taking so long to move on?  Why do I still have dreams about him every single night?  Why does he continue to haunt me?  Am I holding on?  I don’t even know how to let go other than getting through each day, being grateful, and praying and begging for it to let me go.  This entire thing is a mystery to me.  I remember when I broke up with my last boyfriend four years ago I was in misery for a long time, but I think I was mostly upset because he had become one of my best friends and I didn’t want to lose that. This is different, I wanted the rest of my life with this person and I don’t know how to undo that decision; I don’t even know when that decision happened but I wish it never ever did.  It’s such a paradox to me that I could love someone but feel pure anxiety, pain, sadness and loss when I think of that person.  That’s how I know this wasn’t meant to be.  It was bad timing and instead of recognizing that and waiting, we couldn’t let each other go.  Because we love each other. 
Back, forth, back, forth.  Here, gone, give, take.  I beg for it to be done and finished but here I am, still.  March, April, May, June…the days pass, my life goes by and it’s counted in days with or without X.  It’s not even happiness or sadness because it’s mostly a sad thing but I don’t keep track of the emotions, I only notice the time we spend apart.  And I wonder why, if I’ve begged and pleaded and truly asked this world to let me go of this why the fuck is it still here?  What does this thing want from me?  How can it STILL be here?  I feel like my life is wasting away waiting for him.  Is it because he isn’t letting me go?  It sounds like he has let me go; when he says he doesn’t want to be with me I hear him and I gather up everything I have in order to cut this thing off and end it but then here he is calling me, making plans with me, thinking about me.  Why.  I can’t be like my friends, I can’t do this for the next 3 years, I have to move on with my life but I feel like there may be something he’s not telling me.  He doesn’t want to be with me, but he’s drawn to me and thinks about me.  If I cut him off now will I lose him forever?  He has told me more than once that I want what he cannot give and he hopes that I can find someone who will, but he has also said he fears the day I meet that someone – but not enough for him to be with me for fear of losing me.  He’s willing to turn me down over and over and over and I worry about whether or not he knows I’ll always be there waiting for him. I can’t be caught with one foot in the door when the day comes that he tells me he’s moved on and he’s with someone else.  However, I’d love it if someone could explain this voice in the back of my head that says “hold on, wait, it’s not your time, give it time,”  This voice is not telling me “walk away, it’s over, it’s done there’s nothing left,” even though I would like it to be.  X may be the love of my life but sometimes it would be easier to be done with all of it.  But there is something left.  This thing never feels done.  It never feels like there’s a period at the end of our sentence, just an ellipsis…
It would have been our one-year mark on Monday.  I don’t think he has any idea.  I texted him, but only because he had frequently been on my mind the few days before.  Whenever that happens I believe it’s because he’s having a moment too.  I hope that’s why it happens.  Sometimes I’ll go days or a week without thinking of him or thinking of the fact that we haven’t communicated whatsoever in 9, 10, 11 days…It’s so nice to not have him consume my thoughts anymore; if I let myself I can still feel see smell taste what it’s like to drive up the hill to his house, the excitement I felt at spending time with him.  But I try not to go there.  Sometimes my thoughts defy me and force me to remember every detail about his kitchen, or which products under the sink in the bathroom or some other obscure area of the house.  I wonder if his ex-wife does that.  I wonder if I’ll ever stop doing that.  The pain that I used to feel – the kind that felt like it could crush my bones into dust - it’s almost gone, but the pain of the loss is still here.  It lurks in dark corners waiting for my brain to allow it to come out and play but most of the time I keep it shoved in a corner.  I still can’t figure out why I still feel this way: is it the rejection?  Is it the connection that I thought we had?  Is it some sort of past father issues?  Is it just plain old regular true soul mate love?  There are so many reasons I should be disgusted with him and sometimes that’s enough to get my mind from going off the deep end but why isn’t it enough for me to dismiss him for forever?  I’m so ready to move on.  I know if I don’t, one day he’ll show up with another girl and she’ll be his girlfriend and I’ll still be standing there with my heart in my hand, waiting to give it back to him.  He has been drawn to me since the moment we met four years ago.  He knows it and I know it.  And part of me has always felt something too.  I was always excited when it was his turn to play on tour and I kept in touch with him for the next three years after that.  I regret that night last June so much.  I wish we would have never met up because ever since then I’ve felt like I’m not quite right, like the universe took my 21 grams or something.  Everything is just a little off, I can’t focus on why I’m here, and I just don’t feel complete.  He took something from me and I don’t know if I’ll ever fully recuperate.  I still think it should have been me.
The few people I’ve sent this to for proof-reading all had the same question; what happened after June?  Not soon after I wrote that last entry I was faced with a couple of truths: X will never be able to tell me what really happened and he also never stopped seeing the girl from November.  How do I know? I’ll be honest with you, I had a bad habit of looking at his social media to see what he was doing and try to get some sort of idea as to how he was really feeling and living.  I think it was around June 26th when I saw it.  X didn’t know his head from his ass when it came to cooking and I came into his life, but there it was a year later a picture of the breakfast I used to make for him, but he was now making for her.  The worst part is, he and I had been communicating up until this point and we were going to get together and talk, hang out, go shopping for running shoes, we even talked about doing a race together…He told me he had to reschedule because his schedule had changed and he wasn’t in town, but I know those plates and I know that countertop.  He was home, he was with her and he was cooking her breakfast that I used to make for him.  Once again I sat in that fucking Hollywood apartment feeling horrified, crushed and hurt.  But this time there were a few additional emotions; intense anger, disappointment in myself, stupidity and even more loss – but it was more about a loss of myself, not a loss of him. Over and over he’d done all these terrible things to me and I thought that would be the time that I would walk away and be done but it never was.  But seeing him give the exact kind of love that was all I ever wanted to someone else was the ultimate destruction of us.  I had built this person back up, fixed him, put every little piece back in its place and he never ever gave a single thing back.  X, I know you think that 25 year old Bottle-Service girl from the nightclub in Hollywood saved your life, but remember who held you when you cried, who was there when you couldn’t sleep, when you had bad dreams, when you were soaking wet in bed, covered in sweat.  Who brought you out of those nightmares?  Who dried you off and took care of you? Who got you to laugh?  Who got you to smile?  Heal?  Remember who got you back on your feet. Also know that Karma and Santa Claus work on the same system, and they never fucking forget.  The Universe says you learn something from every person who has come into your life but this was such a back-handed lesson it hardly feels right to give him any credit at all.  What did I learn?  How strong I am?  What kind of person I want to be? What kind of person I should never be again?  How to detect a person with Narcissistic Personality Disorder?  Why do some lessons feel like they’d rather see you dead than coming out the other side? 
After I saw that picture I was disgusted.  It was time to let go because I was no longer dealing with something pure and good.  From that point on, if I’d stuck around I’d be rolling in the mud with pigs.  So I found an amazing house in Venice.  It was destiny, a gift and a message from the Universe telling me to go back where I belong; by the water and the people seeking good loving positive experiences.  I packed all of my things into boxes, moved out here and never ever looked back.  I have had to go back to the area, to see clients or meet up with a couple of important relationships I made while in the area (one being my neighbor who came to the rescue after I was mugged).  But when I shut the door on that apartment I said goodbye to the bad energy, the bad memories the bad events, the lonely nights, the lonely days, all of it.  I left it in there because I refused to take that chapter with me.  That’s why Hollywood has bad energy, so many people have done the very same thing I did; they left their worst chapters in that area.  It’s a broken sad soulless place.  Think of all the shattered dreams and disappointment and unkempt promises that have happened just in that one spot over the past 90 years.  Leaving Hollywood was absolutely vital for my recovery from this mess.  The first two months here were pure magic. I cultivated amazing relationships that seemed be waiting for me to join the party.  I’ve spent four months working on myself, questioning my mind and my spirit and what I want and need and what I won’t accept.  I’ve fallen down and picked myself back up and faced the reality of loneliness and what it really means to be physically alone with just myself.  I didn’t date, I didn’t kiss, I didn’t fall for anyone and I feel like that was essential and important to my true healing.  I’ve spent the time to find the strength within to build myself back up and recognize when I’ve hit a block and why.  There were still days when I would go back down into the “Deep Dark”; I’d find myself on the floor with a vacant expression in my eyes, all cried out and all of these toxic thoughts and emotions rolling off of me.  But I believe those moments are those last stubborn bits at the bottom of the bottle that are hard to get out unless you have a special scrubby tool and some hot water.  The mind spirit and soul have to detoxify just like the body does.  Once I was back in Venice, back home again, it took a month just for my sinuses to heal.  It took even longer for my spirit to get back on her feet, dust herself off and have a look around.  After reading this piece, one of my best friends asked me if I missed X and whether I was hoped to ever reconcile with him.  My first immediate reaction was no but I’ll be honest, after I’d thought about it, I thought there might be a bit of me that would actually take him back!  After all of that I couldn’t believe that I was really coming up with that answer.  And then I thought about it more and I realized I wasn’t want X back, I didn’t miss him as a person I missed the feeling of loving someone and of being in love.  It had nothing to do with X.  Do I want him back? No. Do I miss him? No.  I miss being in love.  That was a lovely amazing rule-the-world kind of feeling, but it was so short-lived.  Right now I live moments for me.  I try to work on myself everyday and question why I think and react the way I do.  I am grateful for my surroundings and the abundance the Universe has provided for me.  I am in full-on selfish mode and it feels amazing but I’ve also started to pay attention to the ways other people think.  You can learn massive lessons just from watching and listening to how others live their lives.  I’m still impatient, bitchy and high-strung but I’m also introspective and open to other ways and ideas.  I’ve done the work and I’m doing the work.  The one year anniversary of the night X left me at that restaurant is just around the corner.  I’ve yet to go back to that place, but I think I’m ready.  I want to go back with the people I love and who love me back and I want to take the negative power from the spot and put amazing love in its place.  Healing isn’t like an expiration date on your milk carton, it takes its own time.  But I can feel it these days and one day I won’t think of him at all, not even subconsciously.  And nothing about him will hurt anymore and the thought of possibly running into him will not make me anxious.  The thought is almost thrilling, like hopping on a jet plane towards some amazing destination. 
Listen, it’s November.  I feel like I’m beating a dead dog with this entire thing.  Writing 9,000 words about my Deep Dark is surely flattering to someone like X, but I’ve got some amazing things to do.  Like hopping on the back of a classic Vespa and riding to yoga, then grabbing some fresh breaki (breakfast) with my homies and then perhaps a surf in Malibu.  Peace. 


When It Started

NOTE: Please read Part II of this story, "Because We Love Each Other" for the second part of the story.

“The dog days are over.” - Florence and the Machine
When our friendship started four years ago, my job was to blog about X’s performances as a DJ and the parties we collectively threw with Bacardi.  X and I were friends; I saw him perform every week and often times he would stay in the same hotels as the rest of the road crew so we eventually became friends.  We had inside jokes, I knew about his wife, and we all had a great time together.  After the tour ended we loosely kept in touch and right before I moved to LA in August 2009 I saw his show in Kansas City.  We had a blast catching up but I kept my distance with the divorce in full swing – it just wasn’t the right time.  All this time we popped into each other’s space, keeping up with the next move: mine to LA and his as an award winning DJ.  Time passed and it wasn’t until two years later that I saw him again.  His plans to move north were gone, as was his wife.  X made it look and sound like he was in a good place.  We both finally had free time in our schedules to hang out and set a time and place, meeting at his house on June 18th, 2011.  He was excited to show me his neighborhood and take me to his favorite spot.  I was excited to see my friend but I was also positive that I didn’t want anything beyond friendship with this person.  And then I pulled up to his house, parked my car and hugged him.  That moment changed my life for forever.  I will never forget where I was standing, what I was wearing and the way I felt the second we touched.  It was like electricity had shot between us – there was an undeniable pull, even though I didn’t want it.  I was happily single, I was having a great time with my life and I didn’t want this.  But they say that’s when it happens. 

“I think I might have inhaled you.” - Stateless “Bloodstream”
We had a great time that night.  We talked and laughed till we cried, we caught up on each other’s lives, we told stories, listened to music had drinks and late dinner and before I knew it, seven hours had passed…it felt like 7 minutes.  I still didn’t want to get mixed up or involved with X.  I just wasn’t ready for anything.  But he was so charming and funny and driven and successful and convincing.  I couldn’t stop myself, I spent every possible second with X.  I cooked for him, went to his doctor appointments with him, picked him up from the airport, took him to the airport, taught him how to eat healthy, grocery shop and put his life back together.  We even picked out bed linens for his house.  We were completely consumed with each other.  He would give me a skateboard lessons in empty parking lots, we spent hours driving through the mountains getting lost and talking, laughing, listening.  Other times we would just stay “home” on the couch and hold each other.  We would watch the sunsets from his house up in the hills and then we would look at the stars in the sky and the skyscrapers that twinkled in downtown LA.  It was the first time I’d been in love in years.  I remember him telling me I would break his heart and I remember thinking “yes, I probably will.”   When X was on the road and staying in hotels he would call me at after his shows, so he could hear my “sleepy voice.”  We would talk for hours.  It was amazing how well we got along.  I had completely fallen.  He didn’t want to be with anyone else and neither did I.  Even when the red flag of his divorce popped up and I wondered aloud if I should back out, X asked me to stay.  He said he wanted me there.

 “What if I leave” -  Rachael Yamagata
It didn’t last long.  I don’t know what happened, but somewhere along the road things shifted.  One day X told me he was going to an art exhibit with a girl.  It was a date, but he informed me it was one he didn’t want to go on, but he had promised her.  By this time X told me about the girls he’d dated since his separation from his ex-wife.  How he dated them for months and they would want more but he wasn’t ready.  The ultimatum of a relationship was ultimately what did them in.  That and the girls not understanding his work/schedule/life.  I promised myself that I would not make the same mistake those girls did.  I wouldn’t try to force him into a relationship and I was sure we were so meant to be that that would never be a problem.  I didn’t count on the fact that X wasn’t playing with a full deck.  In fact, he was 100% completely fucked up and he was hiding it all from me.  One second he was telling me he had stopped dreaming until I came into his life and the next he was on date after date and telling me he’s just not ready yet.  By the time he had his headliner show at the Palladium in Hollywood I was holding in 75% of my thoughts and my feelings.  I wasn’t myself. I was dying every day, hanging on his every word and trying to get us back to where we were.  I barely got tickets to his show, practically begging for a +1 and when I got to the venue he wouldn’t answer my messages or calls.  I was completely embarrassed that I took my friends to see the guy I was crazy about and he wasn’t even responding to me.  But I played it cool and made excuses about how stressful it is to prepare for this show and all of the demands of his job.  The only reason I even saw him afterwards was because his road assistant saw us and took us backstage after the show.  X treated me like I was a distant friend instead of the person who had been digging him out of a black abyss for the past few months.  But when the show was done and we were home he came straight to me for strength and collapsed into my arms…and I put him back together again. 

“It's not a silly little moment, it's not the storm before the calm. This is the deep and dying breath of this love that we've been working on.” – John Mayer “Slow Dancing in a Burning Room”
And so it went on for months, me giving him every bit of love and light and positivity that was mine and X giving me scraps to barely keep me alive – but it was enough to make me believe there was a chance.  They way he looked at me, they way he knew me, knew my body, knew how to touch me, talk to me, look at me…I had enough hope and strength for the both of us.  All the while he was dating on a regular basis - I didn’t know the extent or the amount of this until September, I may have been in denial, but I thought I was the only one in his life.  I had clothes at his house, I had makeup, shoes, toiletries… I had drawers.  Even now, more than a year later it hurts to tap into that time.  I can still see the color of the rugs, his towels, the art in the stairwell and the custom piece that Shepard Fairey did for him, hanging over the fireplace; as well as the nails that remained where his ex-wife took her art when she left.  The drum set in the corner, the key hook by the garage.  I can even recall the smell of his house, and him…I can see his grey/blue eyes.  They changed color when he was sad.  I wonder if they’re grey now.   

“When the day is done
And I lay me down
I sit alone in my lonely bed
And I think about
The day we had
And it makes me sad 'cause you're gone” - Polica “Wandering Star”
X still pops in to my head almost on a daily basis.  But I don’t miss him.  I believe it’s the pain he put me through that keeps him in my head.  I don’t really wonder why or how anymore, now I just wonder what reality was.  I know he doesn’t miss me, I know he doesn’t want me and I know he has completely healed from any residual pain he may have felt from our situation.  My thinking this thing was as big as it was is completely inaccurate.  In the end it was nothing to him.  I’m sure if someone asked him, he’d say he would like to be friends.  The situation didn’t carry the same weight for him as it did for me.  I adored him too much and I don’t even know how that happened because he definitely didn’t deserve me.  I’ve learned to take my time healing, I thought I would have been over it months ago but every time I’ve thought I’m 100% whole, I walk out to the end of the limb and it snaps and I have to start all over again. 

“I can't recall how your skin used to smell, I just remember how you shut the door. And I don't need you anymore.” Chris Harford
So I go on without him and I’m glad about that.  In hindsight I would never want to be with someone as narcissistic as X.  I could never live all of my life for someone else and I believe that’s what he wants.  I’d rather live my life with someone else.  However, I admit some part of me misses the connection I thought we had.  There are just too many strong memories to replace him like he did to me.  X caught me in a perfect storm of disarray, low self-esteem, loneliness and struggle and I have to chalk that entire year up to a learning experience and a lesson to never be what I was ever again.  I will take as long as I need in order to be sure that I’ve fully recovered from everything he did.   I know I’m healing because I don’t want him back, but I know I’m not finished because I wish him a lot of pain and regret.  There will come a day when I will forgive him and I wish bad things for him.  That revelation is new to me, I thought I would never see that light at the end of my tunnel, but I can see a faint twinkling light way off in the distance.  I will find strength from myself, my family, friends, God and the Universe to make sure I’m a better, stronger, smarter and most importantly a more selfish person.  I’m nearly positive I’ll never hear from him or see him again.  This city is small, but it’s big enough for that – especially since we live on opposite ends of it.  We don’t have any mutual friends aside from his assistant, and we don’t eat at the same restaurants or go to the same shows.  It’s just…over.  Black and white.  Finished.  A severed tie. 
What follows is a sort of “diary” of my emotions during the unraveling of our love/hate story.


I Was A Heavy Heart to Carry

Good morning everyone!  I’m grateful for another beautiful sunny day in Los Angeles.  And while I am bummed for sleeping in till 8:15 (I like to be up at 7) I must admit I’m off to a good start.  The Venice Kale house saw an addition to its family when my lovely cousin had to return to Germany and our new roommate Kippy moved in.  Kippy has been a bit of a science experiment to me; she’s effortlessly generous to a level 10 no matter what.  Anything she has is yours, no questions asked.  She’s also still very “Midwest” even after being in LA for all these years.  Kippy wants to leave the front door of the house wide open she says “to get some circulation” but I believe it’s because she believes in that feeling of “everybody knows everybody” even if there is a heroin addict shooting up 100 yards down the street.  Kippy has also started explaining a psychological theory to me based on the Inner Child, the Small Adult and the Big Adult.  I’ve been intently listening to her (because I believe we should hear everyone even if we don’t agree with their practice, belief or philosophy) and considering her theory when I watch people in their daily lives. 
My balcony, the scene of the research.
This morning I was fortunate enough to see some Inner Child in the making.  As I was sitting in the living room, drinking my coffee and reading emails I heard a man yell “stop, STOP!” out in the street.  Normally this wouldn’t give me another thought as there is always something going on outside but there was something about this man’s voice that I couldn’t dismiss.  What could cause that sort of emotion in such a simple word?  I had to investigate.  Scooping up my mug I went to the balcony door and I saw a man across the street and to my left.  He was dropping his daughter off at the daycare and by what I heard and her tiny demeanor, she had run out into the street.  Now I get it.  She was probably no more than 3 years old and her tiny little frame was standing there, head down, long hair covering her face in shame.  Now her dad could have handled this two ways: like my father who would have reacted in intense physical and verbal anger out of fear and punished me making me feel embarrassed, scared and sad right before I started school, or like this man who picked up his child and pointed out the cars explaining to her that they drive by so quickly they wouldn’t see her coming if she’d ran into the street.  He then set her down, put her coat on for her and while he was kneeling in front of her he had a full conversation about why he reacted the way he did, how he was sorry that he yelled at her, how much he loves her and then talked to her about the wonderful day he hopes she’ll have.  He zipped up her jacket and untucked her hair from the back.  See that she was still upset about her scolding, he picked her up and just held her with both hands until they were both on the same page again.  Then I saw her pull her head away from his chest, touch his face and I saw them both smiling and laughing with each other.  He set her down, took her and walked her into school.  Beautiful.  Perfect.  One of the healthiest moments of conflict/resolution I’ve ever seen.  And then I thought: I’ve never learned this from my father how on earth am I going to live my life this way?  Who is going to teach me?  At first I heaved a heavy sigh of resolution because I knew it would have to come from me but then I realized that I’m GRATEFUL  to have the wonderful surroundings and insight to know that I have the tools to do this myself and therefore change a pattern that would have been otherwise normal to me.  All of this inner reflection and I haven’t even finished my coffee.  I wish you all the most beautiful, productive and abundant day today.