

Kelly Oxford usually tweets some gnarly/funny stuff. It will bring you to tears (of joy) and it reminds me that it is possible to find someone who can accept all of my weirdness (she often tweets about her family). But tonight as I was decompressing from a crazy day and peeing for the first time in 10 hours, I saw one of her tweets pop up with a “SERIOUS” disclaimer and a link to an article. So many people rushed to this link it crashed the site; so she tweeted another link about the same “SERIOUS” article. This site also crashed. I finally read the article on her tumblr and I thought it would be a great article to share. With the year coming to an end, we can’t help but reflect on what we’ve done for the past 300+ days. It’s what we do. Back in November 2010 I made friends with a group of guys while I was in New Orleans, they were a TON of fun and we had a great day kicking it at the pool. One guy in particular hung out with me all day and we had a great time. We laid out in the sun and played and laughed and made friends. Will and I also share a birthday on December 30, which made him even cooler. Now, I’m not big on sharing personal information but I think this is important and relevant. Will killed himself if February. I don’t know why, I don’t know what he was going through but I know that so many people loved him and thought he was amazing and it still amazes me to see how many people still write to him. Every single day someone tells him they miss him, they love him, they have dreams about him…there’s always an amazing message. I happened to keep up with one of Will’s best friends, Franky and we still chat/text/message on a regular basis. Franky was super quiet when I met him, almost snotty, but after Will died, Franky decided to live. He quit his job and spent his savings living. He traveled and moved and played and vacationed and laughed and lived this year. Franky has inspired me to live in 2012. I haven’t taken a vacation since 2008, I’ve worked every weekend except when I went to see my mother and this past Sunday, which was Christmas. It’s not that I don’t like working, I absolutely love my career but when I die, I don’t want to have one of the five themes from this article on my mind. I don’t have a New Year’s Resolution. I just want to try to truly live. I know a few people who I’m certain will end up with some of these thoughts on their mind but I’m hoping you’ll read this and decide you’d like to live without regrets as well. There is always time while you’re healthy.

Listening to:
To Build a Home by Cinematic Orchestra
Blindsided by Bon Iver
Breathe Live by Cinematic Orchestra

From Arise India Forum:
“For many years I worked in palliative care. My patients were those who had gone home to die. Some incredibly special times were shared. I was with them for the last three to twelve weeks of their lives

People grow a lot when they are faced with their own mortality. I learnt never to underestimate someone’s capacity for growth. Some changes were phenomenal. Each experienced a variety of emotions, as expected, denial, fear, anger, remorse, more denial and eventually acceptance. Every single patient found their peace before they departed though, every one of them.

When questioned about any regrets they had or anything they would do differently, common themes surfaced again and again. Here are the most common five:

1. I wish I’d had the courage to live a life true to myself, not the life others expected of me.

This was the most common regret of all. When people realise that their life is almost over and look back clearly on it, it is easy to see how many dreams have gone unfulfilled. Most people had not honoured even a half of their dreams and had to die knowing that it was due to choices they had made, or not made.

It is very important to try and honour at least some of your dreams along the way. From the moment that you lose your health, it is too late. Health brings a freedom very few realise, until they no longer have it.

2. I wish I didn’t work so hard.

This came from every male patient that I nursed. They missed their children’s youth and their partner’s companionship. Women also spoke of this regret. But as most were from an older generation, many of the female patients had not been breadwinners. All of the men I nursed deeply regretted spending so much of their lives on the treadmill of a work existence.

By simplifying your lifestyle and making conscious choices along the way, it is possible to not need the income that you think you do. And by creating more space in your life, you become happier and more open to new opportunities, ones more suited to your new lifestyle.

3. I wish I’d had the courage to express my feelings.

Many people suppressed their feelings in order to keep peace with others. As a result, they settled for a mediocre existence and never became who they were truly capable of becoming. Many developed illnesses relating to the bitterness and resentment they carried as a result.

We cannot control the reactions of others. However, although people may initially react when you change the way you are by speaking honestly, in the end it raises the relationship to a whole new and healthier level. Either that or it releases the unhealthy relationship from your life. Either way, you win.

4. I wish I had stayed in touch with my friends.

Often they would not truly realise the full benefits of old friends until their dying weeks and it was not always possible to track them down. Many had become so caught up in their own lives that they had let golden friendships slip by over the years. There were many deep regrets about not giving friendships the time and effort that they deserved. Everyone misses their friends when they are dying.

It is common for anyone in a busy lifestyle to let friendships slip. But when you are faced with your approaching death, the physical details of life fall away. People do want to get their financial affairs in order if possible. But it is not money or status that holds the true importance for them. They want to get things in order more for the benefit of those they love. Usually though, they are too ill and weary to ever manage this task. It is all comes down to love and relationships in the end. That is all that remains in the final weeks, love and relationships.

5. I wish that I had let myself be happier.

This is a surprisingly common one. Many did not realise until the end that happiness is a choice. They had stayed stuck in old patterns and habits. The so-called ‘comfort’ of familiarity overflowed into their emotions, as well as their physical lives. Fear of change had them pretending to others, and to their selves, that they were content. When deep within, they longed to laugh properly and have silliness in their life again.

When you are on your deathbed, what others think of you is a long way from your mind. How wonderful to be able to let go and smile again, long before you are dying.


You’re such a douche bag, your ego needs a sidecar

Everyone wants to know about my worst date ever and I don’t blame them; I’ve been on some great ones and some really terrible ones – especially lately. Last night’s date tops the charts and makes me want to stay in on a Friday night with some spaghetti Bolognese and my laptop (currently happening and I’m having a great time). I met Waldo (name has been changed so he doesn’t try something stupid, like sue me) 45 hours ago while I was walking towards my apartment. He drove by in his stealthy tinted car and asked me if I wanted a ride up the hill (red flag #1…there are several). I told him I didn’t get in cars with boys I don’t know and a limo tint. He seemed funny enough but eager to know me: when I moved here, where I’m from etc., all in a matter of two minutes. After some small talk he asked me for my number and for some stupid reason I gave it to him. Sure enough he texts me the next day to get some drinks. I finish at the spa at 8, we make plans to meet after that. Side note: He knows I was so busy I didn’t eat until 4 p.m. He picks me up on his bike (Harley, not some ridiculous neon green street thing – I would not have gone for such a thing) but not before he has to go back to his house because he forgot my helmet (red flag #2) and I notice he is going in the opposite direction that he said he lived in the night before…interesting. When I asked him why he said he lived up the hill when he actually didn’t, he informed me he was “a bit buzzed” when he was driving home the other night and he got lost taking the back roads (red flag #3). We cruise down the street and he informs me he’s taking a class at the Scientology center. That seems a little strange or a lot strange but I like weird shit so I want to see what’s up with this. Until he tells me we’re parking at the Scientology Center. I’m actually stepping onto Scientology turf. We park the bike and then he tells me he wants to show me around. Oh shit – but again, I like to touch the void so let’s do this. We’re poking around this compound which looks like Versace and Liberace got together and took over the décor and that’s when he holds my hand (red flag #4). Now, I’m not ice cold; I like physical contact, I hug, I snuggle, I kiss, I hold hands…with people I know. But I overlook this because I’m too busy scouring the bushes to see if Suri and Tom are in there, giggling about their new high heels. We make our way across the compound while he is audibly and rudely talking about what a cult the religion is – which may be true but how about we get off their turf before we say so? Finally walking across the street towards Birds (great chicken) I’m in the middle of telling him about The Copa when he blurts out “how tall are you?” (red flag #5). I finish my sentence and he says “you didn’t answer me” and I say “because I was talking. I’m five feet tall.” He says “you remind me of my high school girlfriend.” (#6 move on, super senior) I dismiss this as well because I figure we should at least have one fucking drink before I decide he is the most ridiculous idiotic human on Earth. While walking across the street he asks me what I’m doing for New Years and I tell him I don’t know yet, and then he says “getting a girlfriend is on my list for 2012.” (#8 I should have ran for dear life…shame on me) I’m explaining to him that I believe relationships should happen naturally and organically when, he walks by the valet guys and starts speaking Spanish to them – I guess this is supposed to impress me? Maybe he thinks I can’t speak another language, or understand it? He talks to them about how cold it is outside and the fact that he’s cold (in Spanish) and keeps walking. I asked him why he wasn’t wearing a coat if he’s cold (in English). He said he wasn’t cold, he feels fine (in English). Huh. Ok. We walk into the restaurant, he makes a bee line for the bar, which is packed so there are no seats. I decide to ask the host if he can seat us and he tells us the tables are for diners only. Waldo tells him we’re only getting drinks, which is awesome because I just got off work and haven’t eaten dinner but this guy wants to take me out at 9:30 p.m. For drinks. (#8 feed your fucking date) We grab a spot outside next to the lamps and he actually gives me the warm seat which is nice. Our server arrives seven seconds later, but I haven’t had a chance to look at the menu. However Waldo knows exactly what he wants and he’s getting a Johnny Walker Black with a splash of diet coke. I ask the server for another minute while I look over the wine menu which he says sounds “sleepy.” I’m not a big drinker, and I have to get up at 7 a.m. and I let him know both of these things. He says he’s not trying to pressure me into anything. This is where shit gets real. Waldo starts asking me about everything. I mean everything. He wants to know about me, my relationships, what’s wrong with me, why I’m so closed off and how I should be open to everyone. I tell him that isn’t how I function and that that shouldn’t come as a surprise to him, seeing as I was the very same person the night before. He tells me about his grandfather who is “83 to this day” (which doesn’t seem possible, but whatever) and how he has always been open to everyone. But I’m not, and I’m not going to be. He points out that this could be the reason I’m still single (#9 – where do I start.) and tells me that I’m mean but I’m probably a different person to people who know me. He proceeds to tell me about how closed off and guarded and broken and jaded and bitter I am and all the while I’m leaning further and further back in my chair – I can’t get more distance between Waldo and I. I try to tell him that he’s being a bit too forward and he needs to just chill out and have a good time but he is very adamant in letting me know that I need to calm down and chill out. I’m seriously so speechless at this point, I can’t think of anything to do but look everywhere else but at him, which he points out is my being paranoid. I look at my nails and he comments on how he’s sure I get them done allll the time. Like it’s a bad thing. He lets me know that I’m bad at dating and tells me I have Napoleon syndrome. I tell him I’m fine with my height, I actually love my height (truth) and he tries to explain to me that it seems like I’m trying to compensate for something. I tell Waldo in order for me to feel the need to compensate for something, would imply that I believe I have a shortcoming which is not the case. By this time, he's on Johnny Walker #2(#...I lost count). I've already decided to not get back on his bike. I try to change the subject to work which leads to my mother, leading to him saying I’m rude and mean because I don’t want to talk to him about my mother. There are probably 17 other put-downs I’ve probably forgotten but this is the last straw. I start digging through my purse, looking for my wallet while I tell him he’s called me rude and mean and neither are true. I fish out a $10 bill, throw it on the table and tell him bye. I don’t even leave through the front, I escape through a crack in the patio tarp and walk as fast as I can to my friend James’ place which is luckily ½ block away. In this time Waldo has already called me and texted me four times (see conversation below) Thank God James was watching a movie with a friend that night (+1). We passed around a jar of icing (+2) while talking about our horror stories and James juggled fruit (+3) and successfully made me laugh (+4). Oh, and he also fed me dinner (+1,000).
Listening to:
Don’t Stop (Unless you’re a d-bag on a motorcycle) by Foster the People
Nighttiming by Coconut Records
When did your heart go missing? By Rooney
West Coast by Coconut Records
Fader by The Temper Trap
Pull My Heart Away by Jack Penate
Something Good Can Work by Two Door Cinema Club
Passion Pit


Lose Your Head

Whatever happened to a woman’s right to react passionately? Why are we all of a sudden calculating our responses and controlling how we feel? When I think of a passionate woman, I think Penelope Cruz in Vicki, Christina Barcelona with her wild hair and cigarettes…brandishing a gun at her crossed lover, ready to kill for the love lost. I do not see a calm woman with her wits about her, shoving her emotions deep down inside and counting to ten. Give me Ginger Spice and Girl Power; give me kicking, screaming and collapsing into a pile of emotional exhaustion. I’m tired of holding it in and apologizing for feeling, I’m not a sociopath and I have passion. I recently had my heart ripped apart in train wreck style - fitting for a dramatic conflict-resolution scene in a sad/romantic movie. Given the respect, energy and compassion I had given to this person, his exit strategy was not only incredibly unexpected, but so void of anything good or respectful I had no other choice but to slap the shit out of him. At the time I felt bad because I had reacted with physical violence, but after reassessing the situation (It was with my right hand and only had about 100 pounds behind it). and getting such a positive reaction from my girlfriends, I realize I reacted perfectly. I did what every girl who has ever been crushed by someone she loved or cared about wanted to do. Even though his pain only lasted seconds or minutes, for that amount of time he was able to feel a fraction of what he was putting me through and I was able to release some of the bad energy he had given me. He may tell everyone I acted dramatically and I would have to agree because I’d rather be Penelope painting a masterpiece while in my underwear than a muted girl trying to keep her cool.

Listening to:
Your Ex-Lover is Dead by Stars
She’s Got You High by Mumm-Ra
Drop the World by Lil Wayne


Dry ice on your face?

I've treated a lot of clients lately with acneic skin and one particular client told me she used to get Dry Ice facials at her dermatologist’s office. I did a bit of research and found out she’s not crazy and it’s actually an older method which has been around for over 40 years. I read an article in the Canadian Family Physician, explaining the prep and technique and I’m interested. The only problem is, I’m a slave to my work and I use myself as a guinea pig all the time so guess who’s getting a dry ice facial. On her arm. Don’t be foolish, why would I do a trial run ON MY FACE!? Especially when I don’t have acne. This method seems so temperamental and easy to mess up – a few seconds too long and we’ve got a burn situation, not long enough and it doesn’t freeze the skin enough to clear the acne…I have to be the one to try it first. So if you see me with funny peely burned looking spots on my arms, don’t fret, I’ve not become a cutter, I’ve become my own science project. Pics to follow.


"Nic's Picks" Chanel Precision Rectifiance system

Chanel day and night cream

I’m out of my Remede Moisture Emulsion so I’ve decided to give another brand a try. I went with the Chanel Precision Rectifiance set, using the day cream, night cream and eye cream. My first impression is that the glass containers are incredibly heavy and I wonder if the company uses thick glass to imply luxury, or perhaps it keeps the ingredients better preserved. Either way, it would be massively unconventional to travel with these products. My second impression: it smells. There is WAY too much fragrance in this product to be doing anyone any good. The fragrance was so strong, even when I went to bed I could still smell my face. This was enough to make me want to never use the product again. However, the following morning when I used the day cream (still too much perfume), I discovered I actually like this product. It feels incredibly hydrating, leaves my skin looking dewy and shiny but I was still able to put my makeup on without it getting tacky. My skin felt soft though out the day, but it didn’t get greasy. I still prefer my 3LAB SPF 55 over this day cream however for three major reasons: it is in a plastic tube, it has a higher SPF and there are no overbearing scents erupting from my 3LAB. Lastly, it does just as good of a job as the Chanel at 1/3 of the price.

"Nic's Picks" Chanel Precision Rectifiance system

Chanel day and night cream

I’m out of my Remede Moisture Emulsion so I’ve decided to give another brand a try. I went with the Chanel Precision Rectifiance set, using the day cream, night cream and eye cream. My first impression is that the glass containers are incredibly heavy and I wonder if the company uses thick glass to imply luxury, or perhaps it keeps the ingredients better preserved. Either way, it would be massively unconventional to travel with these products. My second impression: it smells. There is WAY too much fragrance in this product to be doing anyone any good. The fragrance was so strong, even when I went to bed I could still smell my face. This was enough to make me want to never use the product again. However, the following morning when I used the day cream (still too much perfume), I discovered I actually like this product. It feels incredibly hydrating, leaves my skin looking dewy and shiny but I was still able to put my makeup on without it getting tacky. My skin felt soft though out the day, but it didn’t get greasy. I still prefer my 3LAB SPF 55 over this day cream however for three major reasons: it is in a plastic tube, it has a higher SPF and there are no overbearing scents erupting from my 3LAB. Lastly, it does just as good of a job as the Chanel at 1/3 of the price.


A little ditty on Skin condition vs. Skin type

A lot of people come to me with concerns of their “oily skin and breakouts” and usually I’m their last resort. It’s a shame it happens like this because I probably could have saved them a lot of frustration and money. Being in the skincare industry, I find that I rarely see true oily skin anymore. It occurs a lot more in the prepubescent/teenage demographic, but that’s to be expected. Most of my clients range between 30 and 60 and by the time they get to me, they’ve scrubbed, scraped and depleted their skin of any natural normal oil production. Why? Because they breakout.
When someone has a big fat pimple on their face, it doesn’t mean that person has oily skin, it means they have a big fat pimple on their face. But when a person sees that pimple, they mentally go right back to their teenage years with the acne and the oily and the shiny. The problem is a person’s skin is not the same as it was 15 or 20 years ago.
Each person has a skin TYPE, whether it’s oily, dry, combination, normal or even sensitive. What happens to that skin type is a CONDITION such as acne, redness, flakiness, eczema, rosacea, sun damaged, etc. The way a person treats their skin type should be completely different than how they treat their skin condition. Yes they go hand in hand, but a person with dry skin could have breakouts because of stress, hormones, food allergies and environment just to name a few. Treat the skin type FIRST, and then the condition. For example if a person has dry skin and blemishes/clogged pores, they should have a skin care routine similar to this:

Creamy cleanser
Antioxidant/Moisturizing Serum
Eye cream
Moisturizer with SPF 30-55

Hydrating foaming cleanser
Exfoliating serum such as retinoid products or AHA/BHA products
Spot treatment for the blemishes – I like products with glycolic acid and/or salicylic acid 2% in them
Eye cream
Slightly heavier moisturizer for night WITHOUT sunscreen

As you can see, this person’s skin regime is based around their skin type (dry) but also has a part in treating the skin condition (breakout). If this person used a line made for someone with oily problematic skin, they would only exacerbate the condition, the breakouts wouldn’t get better and their dry skin would probably develop another condition: sensitive skin. If we can figure out our TRUE skin type, base our skin care routine around that and then treat any conditions that may arise, the skin will naturally balance itself. The body is a well-oiled machine, it is nearly perfect and if we take more of a “hands-off” approach, whatever problems that are popping up will most likely give up. Give me a shout if you can’t figure out which skin type is yours and we’ll also treat any conditions as well.



Time flies. Just the other day I was counting down the weeks until my cousin arrives and she has come and gone. I just had my two year anniversary with Los Angeles – we’re in love now and doing much better, thank you, and the 10 year anniversary of 9/11 is quickly approaching as well. Just like everyone else I still remember where I was (Webb City, MO – my Victorian apartment), what I was doing (getting out of the shower and ready for school – a junior at Missouri Southern State University) and what my first reaction was: “why are they showing old footage of the World Trade Center bombing?” And then it dawned on me that this was different. I stood there; completely naked in my living room for several minutes while I watched one of the greatest and most terrible moments in history unfold in front of me. My journalistic instinct quickly kicked in and I realized I had to go to campus to see how we would cover the story. Once I was at Southern, I learned that all the other students were leaving – meeting up with loved ones, roommates, family to make sure everyone was ok. While they went home we went to work covering the events. Photographer Whitney Benfield and I found our story, like a lot of other journalists did, at the gas station. I covered the reactions of the people at the pump while she took pictures. That story ended up in the Associated Collegiate Press special edition book covering September 11th. If you had told me ten years ago that I would be living, surviving and eventually thriving in LA I don’t think I would believe you. I’m sure I thought I would be running some newspaper or married or something. I’m glad I chose this path. When I first moved here two years ago, I had almost no money. Literally zero. I had a car that to this day I still don’t know how it made the trek half-way across the country. I lived in a crazy party house with a group of guys I’ve never met before as my new roommates. I didn’t even have my own furniture, I sublet another girl’s life for 6 months and I still credit Steffany for getting me through that first grueling, depressing yet wonderful first half of the year. I worked every second I could and went to school over 45 hours per week. I ate food that was well past its shelf life and I got sick from it. I ate peanut butter and jelly sandwiches for 9 straight weeks. They started out “fancy”; with nice bread and natural PB with organic jelly, to regular wheat with name brand PB and jelly to bargain generic brands of all three. I drank Two-buck Chuck on a very regular basis…To this day I cannot willfully or naturally consume either of these things. Ten years ago the MTV VMA’s were postponed because of 9/11, two years ago I remember watching some awards show for scary movies and now I’m sitting from row at the VMA’s, so close to the stage one of Beyonce’s extensions threatened to whip me in the face. Did I work harder than anyone else who has ever moved here? HELL no, I just worked as hard as I possibly could and I kept going, even when I knew I was at the very bottom darkest part of the adventure. Have I reached my peak? Not by a long shot, this is the absolute beginning. At this very moment I’m taking a mental snapshot of where I am in my apartment in the Hills, on a Friday night after a great evening on the Westside, glad to be in bed and excited to see where I’ll be 10 years from now.


Why day creams don't work in place of night creams.

A lot of my time in the treatment room is spent educating my clients on their skincare routine and usually we’re talking about undoing the habits they already have in place. My first question is always “what do you wash your face with?” – not because I want to literally know the brand of their face wash, but because if they are able to somewhat quickly answer this question, I know they are washing their face. And then I ask what they moisturize with…again to see if they are performing the two MOST important steps in skin care: washing your face and applying moisturizer. Finally I ask them if they are doing this when they wake up and before they go to sleep. Sometimes it’s a little like getting your child to admit they didn’t brush their teeth before bed or wash their hands after using the toilet. You have to trick them into giving you the truth. My clients like to believe that they are taking care of their skin and they don’t know why they’re breaking out-dry-sensitive-dull-congested (insert verb here). If you want your skin to remain youthful for as long as possible you MUST wash your face in the morning and moisturize/protect with a sunscreen made for the face. And at night you MUST wash your face and apply a night cream. Use a washcloth too! The face is so much dirtier at night than in the morning. Once you have this routine down, you can start adding serums, peels, eye cream, spot treatments, masks, exfoliants, etc. I like creamy cleansers in the morning because the skin is just waking up and sleeping doesn’t make you too dirty, but cleansing is still a must. At night your skin goes to work while you sleep and it’s basically running a marathon. So while you’re going through your four phases it is repairing everything that you did from that day. It is killing free radicals which causing aging, fine lines, wrinkles and cancer. It is also producing collagen which fights the affects of gravity and keeps your skin "bouncy." You skin loses moisture and it needs water and a night cream in order to do its best work. That being said, this is why night creams cost more than a daytime moisturizer. Night creams have more concentrated and stronger ingredients than day creams. Same with night serums, a la Lancôme Absolue Night Serum, Estee Lauder Advanced Night Repair Serum, DDF Restoring Night Serum and a slew of others. These products are created to help your skin perform its repair functions. Smart, right?


Alpha Beta Glow pads from Dr. Dennis Gross

Our new LA rep for Dr. Dennis Gross popped by last week to drop some knowledge on us about Dr. Gross’ exfoliating pads, professional peels and upcoming products. I’m ALL for exfoliation – in the right time and the right place so I was of course eager to go to this meeting. Dr. Gross uses Alpha Hydroxy Acids and a slew of other amazing exfoliating acids to gently but effectively - almost professionally remove dead skin cells (see the "Gross" picture!), increase cellular renewal, break down free radicals and a few other amazing benefits. The products are also cruelty free, vegan and paraben free! Now for the important part: does it work? I applied the product via small handy wipe, onto my face and neck for approximately 30 seconds. It didn’t tingle or itch or feel like anything really. A chemical exfoliation that doesn’t hurt? Psht, it must be crap, but only time will tell. I will tell you this, the little wipey was chalk-full of my dead skin cells when I was finished applying the product so that’s good! I applied my night cream brushed my teeth and hit the sack. The smell woke me up a few times but that’s a self tanner for you. When I got up this morning I went to the mirror and had a looky. My skin looked really smooth and glowing and felt really soft, the “11s” looked less visible, which I love but my looked like it was kind of stretched tight. A little like a facelift – which I don’t really care for, but washing my face and applying moisturizer completely eradicated that issue. The effects of using the Glow Pad seemed to actually last for a couple of days and my cousin even noticed how good my pores looked and said I had a nice tone. I’ll take that!! I’m giving her a Glow Pad to try today, we’re hitting the red carpet tonight and I’m hoping the effects will be visible by then. We’ll see!


You've got LA on your face.

You’ve got LA on your face
I have to give my mother a shout-out for my obsessive tendencies and love of skin care; without her I'd be...a secretary.  That being said, she also passed on the unyielding rule that you wash your face EVERY night.  When I was a kid I hated how long it took her to get ready for bed and now I realize she was just washing the day off of her face.  Now that I'm an esthetician in Los Angeles I see clients every day who have congested, dry, dehydrated, broken-out skin and they don't know why.  There are two ways to wash your face: your AM routine which as not as invasive but still important - your skin runs a marathon while you sleep - it cleanses, sheds, turns over, sweats and repairs and that by-product needs to be washed away.  And then there's the PM routine. Like I said, the AM is important but listen to what we're doing in the PM.  There is now makeup, dirt, sweat, germs, spit, food, car exhaust and air pollution stuck to your face.  Not only do you need to wash that off, you need to make sure you remove ALL of it.  This is what causes clogged pores, aging skin and a "dullness" and a lot of my clients don't really care for that.
So here’s the deal, wash your face in the morning with a creamy cleanser like Cetaphil or Esthederm Cleansing Milk

Either one of these products will gently but effectively cleanse all of the sleepy-time gunk off of your face.  Apply your eye cream, antioxidant serum and sunscreen followed by a great foundation as well as the rest of your makeup and you’re ready for the day. 
When you’re ready for bed, wash your face with a foaming cleanser – you want something that will get in there a bit more and wash the city off your face.  I like the Pomega5 Moisturizing Bar, it cleanses and has a great foam but it’s not drying at all.  I also like Aveeno Ultra-Calming Cleanser.

Wet your hands, wet your face and work the cleanser into a lather, all over the face and neck.  Next, wet a wash cloth and gently rinse your face, making sure to include the edges as well as your neck.  If you’re still feeling build up, use a toner to get the last bits of makeup and dirt.  I like RareMinerals Moisture Burst facial mist, Mario Badescu (this could get rid of past lives!) or Neutrogena Clear Pore toner.  Most of them are great as long as it fits your skin type. 

Apply the toner to a cotton ball and give your face a sweep to get the remainders of the day.  Before the toner dries, apply your peeling serums or hydrating serums like Dr. Dennis Gross  Alpha Beta daily face peel or SKII Facial Treatment Repair C.  Follow this up with your night moisturizer and an eye cream.  You look younger already.