
I am whatever you say I am

Even though my intentions are almost always good, I admit that sometimes I have a bad attitude. That being said, I learned a very very hard lesson in the industry this weekend. Sometimes the people you think are your friends are not. These blogs are supposed to be about my experiences in L.A., but I can't come to describe the humiliation, sadness and betrayal I experienced on Friday. I can't go into detail because that would turn this blog into an epic four-part chronicle of pronouns which interests no one but the direct party involved. I'll just say that I grew to care about the girls I went to school with, as well as my instructor, Veronica. (Veronica is one of the most amazing teachers I've ever had, as well as a friend.) I was actively intersted in the lives and futures of 2/3 of the girls in the class. It's too bad this sincerity and friendship couldn't be returned, or even legitimately severed by one of those former classmates. It's also unfortunate that when a former student makes an unintentional mistake, or simply offends someone else at the school, the school will be quick to make judgement and hand out verdicts and punishments. I value my education because I was fortunate enough to have the instructors that I did. This being said, that facility did absolutely nothing for me in the end. Moral of this vague story: there are very few people in this town who have your back. If you can find a genuine person here, cherish them, becuase they are far and few between.

1 comment:

TL said...

I want to know what happened. Call me when you can and update me!!! How DARE someone do something to you...don't they know who your best friend is? (the girl who will cut a bitch, with my nail file!)