
My Manifest Destiny

I started writing this blog as a text to one of my most motivating Los Angeles friends, Cassandra Morales (see awesome write-up below) and then I thought “why don’t I share my amazing story with everyone?”  I love being inspired by others’ success stories so I thought I would share mine in the hopes of inspiring some of you.

Cassandra in the Los Angeles Business Journal "20 In Their 20s"

The Text:
~Five days of no alcohol and I don’t even miss it.  It’s like I was ready to stop.  My body actually “feels” cleaner, like the toxins and congestion are coming out of my legs and my stomach.  Craving sweets but I think this is normal.  I’ve lost 2 pounds and I have 10 more to go. 
I’m not craving chicken at all.  It’s like my body finally decided it was done with that icky stuff.  Also since I’ve decided I want to wake up at 7 a.m. to go running – and I’ve started putting my stuff out the night before (shoes, sports bra, socks, headphones, ipod case), I actually get up and go running in the morning!  And my body isn’t even fighting it.  It feels great.

This is my running gear, ready to go for my 7 a.m. run.

Lastly I started listening to Money and the Law of Attraction on my ipod this morning (for the second time) and I love it!~ 

The book I listen to while I fold laundry, get ready in the morning, run, do squats, etc.

Basically, guys and dolls, I’ve spent the past few months doing a lot of “inner work” on myself.  I realized that’s what I was “doing” all that time in Bali and Thailand:  I was thinking.  And since I absolutely believe without a doubt that there is power in your thoughts, I’m pretty sure I’m fixin to manifest some pretty sweet shit for my loved ones and myself.  Cass (see picture above) has been such an inspiration to me as a friend and as a successful person not only in her professional life, but in her personal life as well.  And she attributes a tremendous amount of her success to books such as Money and the Law of Attraction as well as most of, if not all of the Dr. Wayne Dyer books

This was my first audio book, Dr. Dyer is amazing. 

My friend Mark Harmon does the same and every single time I talk to him, he either gives me massive amounts of clarity about situations I’m going through or he’s telling me about yet another amazing opportunity that has come his way or some sort of  healthy way he’s fine-tuning his body and health.

One of my besties - Mark Harmon

Yes he has ups and downs, and so does Cassandra and so do I, but we do the work – and it is work- to stay positive, really authentically positive.  And to manifest any reality we want, because that’s all reality is: a manifest destiny. 

But I’ll tell you this: I’d be a damn liar if I told you I don’t love a good gossip sesh.  Hey, I’m human. 


Ginger said...

Craving sweets IS normal. Just don't give in to the craving or the pounds will pile on!

Unknown said...

Thank you love, I'm keeping it pretty normal/minimal. The same as before, I just notice that particular difference which is interesting.